Thursday, September 30, 2010

We've got a groovy kind of love

There are lots and lots of reasons why I love David.  
This is definitely one of the top ones...

NO ONE can wear this 70's suit and look so good.  Or make his daughters feel so loved on their "Daddy Daughter" date.  (I was in charge so I got to be there...) 

I gotta keeper! 


JaNece said...

If I were you, I'd hack into david's face book account and make that picture his new profile picture. What a groovy dude!!!

Britney said...

ha ha!

Definitely a keeper :)

You guys look awesome!

jenlinmin said...

Yes you do... and so does he! I love your fall photos too. I'm glad you got your camera back because you are a wiz with that thing. I love the photo of Sierra on the porch, sweet girl. I took Naomi shoe shopping yesterday and her foot is officially bigger than mine. What is up with that? That's not supposed to happen yet! These girls, I swear!

Christi said...

What a goofy guy!

Jeni said...

Oh my goodness.... he's definitely a keeper! What a great sport!