Saturday, August 21, 2010

Gone fishin'

This is the first time in over 13 years (maybe more) since these guys have all been together.  They were all college buddies and roommates of David back in the day - starting massive pillow fights, fighting over video games, streaking, taking random scooter rides, trash can rides, ski trips, emergency trips, etc. are just a few of the many hilarious stories coming from their BYU chapter of life.  Don't let their current fancy titles of accountant, therapist, lawyer, pharmacist, and director of electronic marketing deceive you.  Seeing them all together as they got ready to embark on a 5 day canoe trip into the middle of nowhere Alaska was a brief reminder of the mischievous potential of these guys together.  Only scarier because now instead of water balloon launchers, they are playing with shotguns.  Maybe it's a GOOD thing they're headed into the middle of nowhere... 

1 comment:

JaNece said...

That is awesome!! I love old college buddies! :) Yay for David and friends.