Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This is the face of a hero.  My hero.  Here's the story:

While driving to work one ordinary morning, a teen-ager rushing to school turned left without even looking and crashed right into David.  For some reason in that split second as it was happening, David had one single thought and he knew he could not "t-bone" into that car.  He somehow managed to turn his car slightly, hitting the car in the front rather than hitting it straight on the passenger side.  This meant that his car, thus himself, took the brunt of the impact.  Immediately after the crash, he got out of his car to check on the passengers of the other vehicle.  The driver of the other car was fine.  He said there were no passengers.  It wasn't until he knew everyone else was fine that David realized he himself wasn't fine.  That would later turn out to be a broken neck.  And it would turn out later there WAS a passenger in the car.  Because the driver had only a provisional license and wasn't suppose to have other passengers, he had lied.  An unbuckled female had been sitting in the passenger side.  

If David wouldn't have turned his car, she would have been severely injured.  Or even dead.

And without even knowing, or questioning, and putting himself at so much more risk, 
he followed his instinct and saved a life.  
Because that's who he is.  
And he's my hero.


Jill Heaps said...

I am so glad he is OK. I hope his injury heals quickly though.. he doesn't seem too comfortable. WHAT A MIRACLE!!!

Sally said...

Wow! What a great guy you have there!

Monica said...

Remarkable story! Wow that is amazing that he listened to his feelings. I am so sorry about the accident and hope for a speedy recovery. We sure love you guys and our prayers are with you! Give David our love!

Britney said...

Seriously what a guy...so glad David is...ok. Sorry that he is still needing to heal, but glad he'll be alright!!!

Natalie said...

Wow! So scary. So great how we are guided for unknown reasons. So great he's OK and it was not worse. He looks like he's in pain in this picture. How many times do we not follow our feelings? He is a hero for following his.

Christi said...

So glad he's okay. Darn those teenage drivers. I'm glad they are okay too but sometimes I want to smack people who have no common sense.

Christina said...

Man, am I glad that he is 'okay'. Not a good time for me to look at the pictures and realize the full reality of his accident - baby hormones = lots of tears and well let's be honest - bawling. I took one look at this pic and lost it. Tell Dave that I am so glad that he called me and that I got to talk to my big brother who I love so much! How I wish that you guys were closer! :( I love you all to pieces! How are you holding up? You are a true super woman. I know what you should be for Halloween next year - The Incredibles! You all really are! XOXO!