Monday, March 14, 2011


 Lots of people in Alaska go to Hawaii for spring break.  And when I say lots, I mean half the state.  So I'll admit - I was feeling a little bitter looking at all the snow.  Until I remembered I had 12 leis.  I bought them a long time ago knowing that someday I would need them.  How happy I was to realize now was the moment!  It was all the inspiration I needed.   

We invited our friends who made the party absolutely fabulous by invading the Hawaiian shirt section of the second-hand store and we had one mean luau.  Complete with fresh fruit, tropical fish, and lots of hula dancing.    
 Maybe one year we'll join the Alaskans that come back from spring break with very tan faces.  Until then, thank goodness for friends who are on the same white boat as us.  Mahalo Noble family! 


Christina said...

I like Karsten's 'hang loose' sign the best! Love you guys!

Britney said...

SOOOOO creative!

Why does everyone go to Hawaii? Do you get cheap flights?

Why doesn't everyone (aka you) come go CA?