Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dark Clouds Fade...

Suddenly my step is a little lighter.  
And I'm sure my smile a little more truer.  
And if you look close, there is even a twinkle in my eyes.

Our clouds of darkness have gone away.

It started with a doctor's appointment which 
rid David of his neck brace!
It continued with a mission farewell that we are so thrilled about and get to attend!
It's sprinkled with the news that our friends really are going to come visit us this summer!
And it ended with the purchase of 
two tickets to Paris France.

Oh how I've missed this feeling!  
I do believe it is called HAPPINESS!  


Laura said...

YAY! You guys deserve some great times!

Britney said...

Yea! That's a lot of good news!

So glad you've updated your's good to 'see' you all again!