Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Binky Baby

I don't think my little nephew Max will be wanting his binky back...

Sorry Max! I owe you one!


Sally said...

Awwww, what cute puppy eyes!

Christi said...

I can't wait to show Dalyla this picture. She loves her 'beeps' (that's what she calls her binks) and she loves puppies. She will carry up to 6 'beeps' around with her and just keep switching them in and out of her mouth. I have pics I'm going to scrap of her doing this. The caption will read 'here a beep, there a beep, everywhere a beep beep'. I'll forward a copy to you when I'm done with it.

Natalie said...

Oh my gosh, that's the cutest picture ever.

Britney said...

This is hysterical!

At least your dog will be calm...the Binky always does the trick!

JaNece said...

That is too funny! We lost all the binkies since the trip and he has be FINE!!! :) It was easier then taking them away from him and him being in distress! Whew, no more binkies! Let Aspen enjoy to her hearts content! Too funny!