Too far behind to try and catch up. Yet unable to blog currently because I need to catch up.
I'm in a funk.
I seem to remember (and document) the big events in our lives - birthdays, holidays, job changes... But what I want to remember is the little things - the way David and I hold hands, the way Karsten looks with his hands behind his head without a care in the world, Skyla's giggle, and Sierra's ability to block the world when she's reading. So here's to what I want to remember the most... the little moments of our lives that equal a much bigger picture.
Enquiring minds want to know...
Yes, hurry back!!!!
I know the feeling! I too, have yet to post Christmas!! ( and 3 0r 4 other big events over the last 6 months.) I keep (trying) to tell myself the reason I love blogging is because I don't need to feel behind.:) I can start where ever I want, in any random order.
Hmmmm.....I'm not sure it's working, I still feel behind.:)
Can't wait until you're out of your funk. :)
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