Friday, February 5, 2010


I haven't posted about Christmas yet and our the wonderful time we had with our friends visiting. I haven't posted about the great memories we made while visiting family and friends in Utah. I haven't posted about Sierra cross country skiing, the hilarious things Karsten has been saying, Skyla's jazz class, David's library moments, my culinary experiment, or the hundred other things happening in our lives.

Too far behind to try and catch up. Yet unable to blog currently because I need to catch up.

I'm in a funk.


Marianna said...

Enquiring minds want to know...

Britney said...

Yes, hurry back!!!!

Jolyn Buhrley said...

I know the feeling! I too, have yet to post Christmas!! ( and 3 0r 4 other big events over the last 6 months.) I keep (trying) to tell myself the reason I love blogging is because I don't need to feel behind.:) I can start where ever I want, in any random order.
Hmmmm.....I'm not sure it's working, I still feel behind.:)

Christi said...

Can't wait until you're out of your funk. :)