Thursday, March 20, 2008

Pancake Night!

We had pancakes for dinner... yet again. This is becoming quite a regular meal at our house. I feel a tad bit guilty, but they are so yummy!!! (Especially when I'm looking at my blog and realized we just ate pancakes on Tuesday this week...) Tonight I did banana sour cream. Yummmmm. David has dinner with the firm on Thursdays so I'm not very motivated to cook. Add to that a day full of carting kids to and from school, going to two different Target stores in search of some soccer cleats, Karsten's gymnastics, volunteering at the girls' school, Sierra's soccer practice, and Skyla's play date, and I am one very tired mom. Guilt-free pancakes it is!


SeeCampbell said...

Yeah, I like dinners like that. Tonight we had corn dogs and corn. When Greg doesn't come home for dinner (like tonight) I think, why bother. It's a nice break for me anyway and the kids don't care! They'll get their nutrition another day.

Laura said...

I was going to make pancakes, but Brandon brought home Subway. I know, so exciting! I love pancake night also! So, did you find your keys?

Zina said...

I was going to ask the same thing Laura did -- I'm guessing you must have found the keys by now, though?

We love breakfast for dinner here, too.

Sally said...

You are even great to make pancakes! We have way too many cereal nights!! But guilt free!