The Cowgirl and her cow dog Aspen
The Dead dog (missing in this picture is her best friend Adri - a Dead explorer. Get it - an explorer and her dog?)
It was a weird Halloween. David and my costume did not arrive in time for our party,
we didn't make it to a pumpkin patch (and barely found a pumpkin from Safeway!), I had a hard time reconciling the fact that my daughter wanted to be a dead dog (but I have to give her credit for making the entire costume from head to toe!) but I must say that today was a successful Halloween! The 2nd graders didn't throw up at my severed finger treat, we had our traditional Hallowe
en pancakes for breakfast (in the shape of a bat, pumpkin, and witch) even though the kids had to be at school at 8:30, I made my dinner in a pumpkin, and the kids got so much candy they could hardly carry it home. Karsten's candy was literally falling out of his buck
et it was so full. Success! We had fun trick or treating with the Dullum's and thoroughly enjoyed Marianna's homemade carmel apples after our hard work of walking around with the kids.
And yet at the end of the day am I left wondering, where are all the Almond Joys? Is that not a popular candy anymore?
Happy Halloween!