I love these girls! These are some of my friends who make up my "base." They know the good about me, and unfortunately the bad parts too, and love me always. We all were living in Berkeley nine years ago when we met. We were new moms trying to figure out how to raise our ONE child and keep our sanity while our husbands were in school. We all ventured onto baby #2 together and with each other's help, continued to maintain our sanity. And then school ended and so we went our separate ways - to San Francisco, Alaska, Texas, and Australia! And yet here we sit together at The Brazil Cafe (which was SO yummy by the way), with our oldest children in 4th and 5th grades. They continue to inspire me, push me to be better, and help me burn calories the best way there is - by laughing our heads off. Thanks Marianna, Jenny, and Michelle!
What a great photo of beautiful women.
I keep waiting for my destiny to bring me back to the Bay Area . . .
I love these girls!!! And we welcome you with open arms Zina! :)
That food really was delish!
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