Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Part-Time Job

So when I figure in all my Twilight hours this week, it's like I have had a part-time job! Watching the movie (twice) including waiting time (turns out we didn't need to be there early but it was so dang fun!) took 7 hours. Reading Midnight Sun (the online version of Edward's story) took another 3 hours. Another 3 hours for the after party where we could continue to talk and analyze after the movie as well as the phone calls to my sister and best friend from high school add in another couple of hours. Let's round (down) and add in one more hour from reading stuff on Stephenie Meyer's website, looking at those very hot Vanity Fair pictures, and other online searches and that brings my total to 16 hours in 4 days! This is ridiculous! No wonder everything else in my life is lacking from attention...

My fellow co-workers

I'm sorry family! I'll make it up to you! I'm quitting this part-time job - it doesn't pay very well. (At least I'll try really really hard to...) And I'll clean the house as soon as I finish reading this one last thing on Stephenie's website (all while I am listening to the Twilight playlist - also on her website...)
Dang it - add another 30 minutes that I just wasted looking for pictures to put on this post. It's so easy to get distracted!!! I'm going to go do the dishes NOW!!


John and Stef said...

AMEN! Too bad we can't get PAID!!
It looks like you had a ton of fun!!
It's definitely all worth it :)

Zina said...

Wow, I should count my blessings that I wasn't that interested in the movie, since I'm behind this week even without Twilight as an excuse. I think it took me at least 16 hours to read The Host a couple of months ago, though. I wish someone would publish a Reader's Digest version of her books.

Britney said...

Seriously...why don't we get paid?

This 'Twilight ride' has been so fun with you! I'm SO glad you're hooked, like me :) What would I do without you?

Such a fun night...and thanks for going again with me!

Mindi said...

Holy Smokes! Love the picture of Robert Pattinson.

Mindy said...

Mindi - you would love ANY picture of Robert Pattinson. :)

Sally said...

That's so fun! I can't wait to see it again!

Mindi said...

Well maybe not any picture. I've seen some shots of him on TMZ that aren't so good but that's probably because he has the "I'm falling down drunk" look about him.