We had to change the destination, but amazingly enough we were able to find the same airline deal we had before! I didn't allow myself to get excited until I had brought up my reservation on two separate occasions from the airlines, verified the charge on my credit card, and got an email confirmation, but it all checks out and Puerto Vallarta Mexico, here we come!
Yeah, I'm so happy for you. Are the kids still saving their money?
Hooray! When do you go?
What a relief!! I am so excited for you guys!
THANK GOODNESS! Very exciting!
Thank goodness... I was really sad from the earlier post! You deserve a fun family vacation like this!
YEA!! I am so glad. I can't wait to hear, and see pictures, from this vacation. Are you taking Aspen? just kidding.
Great news! You deserve a wonderful vacation my friend.
Can I come? I'm so jealous. But I'm so glad you were able to get the trip worked out. You guys will have the best time.
What fun. Can't wait to see the pictures!
YEAH!!!!! What a great relief!!!! BTW, were you able to take back Savy's clothes for me?
Congrats on going to Mexico!! Just be safe.
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